Geisha & Maiko cerimonia del tè a Osaka

Tea ceremony no doubt is the most unique Japanese activity as it helps you understand Japanese history, values, religion, Japanese communication style and Japanese drinking culture at once. Did you know that you can enjoy tea ceremony experience more and learn more about the culture when your instructor is a Maiko in training? In this workshop, a Maiko will walk you through step by step of traditional tea ceremony. This is a ritual-like activity where ceremonial tea is prepared and presented to promote well-being, mindfulness and harmony. It is also called the Way of the Tea. The tea itself is a powdered green tea and is called Matcha.

The activity involves

Traditional tea ceremony led by a maiko

Drinking green tea and eating Japanese sweets

The Japanese tea ceremony has many names in Japanese: Chanoyu, sado or ocha. It has a long history of a thousand years and has ties to the tea traders in China. Japanese monks first brought back tea leaves during the Chinese Tang dynasty (618 – 907 AD) and only used them in their temples for religious services. A priest called Myoan Eisai spread the belief that green tea could be used for medicine and by drinking it regularly you were ensured good health. Samurai in particular followed this practice and spread its popularity. Later, another priest called Murata Shukou, called the father of the tea ceremony, added more significance and rituals by making powdered tea so others could enjoy it. His focus on aesthetics became well known and heavily influences the tea ceremony that we know today.


*Try a diverse range of ingredients and flavours unique to Japan

*A friendly host will explain and demonstrate correct cooking techniques

*Held in a Japanese styled kitchen

*Opportunities for taking photographs will be highlighted throughout

*Special experience to cook wearing Kimono costume

Learning about a country through cultural workshops and activities will give you a better understanding of our intricate history, valued social principals and holistic way of life. By learning about Japan and its people, you will be immersed in different perspectives and approaches that are unique to this country. Maiko Kitchen offers you opportunities to understand this culture through local instructors and guides. There is no better way to learn about a new place from the viewpoints of those who grew up and live in this amazing country. What better way to spend a day than learning a traditional, beautiful new activity with a knowledgeable tutor in a picturesque setting? You wouldn’t find friendlier people to help you experience Japan in all its splendor.

The Japanese Cooking Workshop provides you will a once in a life time experience: learning traditional Japanese dishes from local cooks in Japan! Osaka is considered the food capital in Japan and there are many appetizing dishes from the area for you to try. Not only will you get to eat this delicious food, but learn how to make it yourself so you can make a feast back at home!

In this workshop, a qualified instructor will walk you through step by step of a customary Japanese meal. There are a range of different cooking courses for you to choose from, including lunch, dinner and confectionery classes. The last one is very unique as Japanese desserts have a distinctive flavor as the history of cooking in Japan didn’t include processed sugar till only a few hundred years ago. You will learn even more about the flavors of Japan, as well as the range of utensils used and explanation of the techniques required, while cooking a great meal as well!


Maikoya Osaka offre esperienze culturali uniche dove i visitatori possono partecipare a varie attività culturali come la tradizionale cerimonia del tè, la calligrafia giapponese, l'origami, la vestizione di kimono e molto altro ancora. Maikoya Osaka è l'unico posto in Giappone dove i visitatori possono incontrarsi e chiacchierare con una maiko in allenamento in qualsiasi momento dell'anno

Imparare a conoscere un Paese attraverso laboratori e attività culturali vi darà una migliore comprensione della nostra storia intricata, dei principi sociali preziosi e del modo di vivere olistico. Con l'apprendimento del Giappone e della sua gente attraverso attività e lezioni come la cerimonia del tè, la vestizione di kimono, la cucina giapponese e la vita di un samurai, sarete immersi in diverse prospettive e approcci che sono unici in questo paese. Maikoya offre opportunità per capire questa cultura attraverso istruttori e guide locali. Non c'è modo migliore per conoscere un nuovo posto dai punti di vista di coloro che sono cresciuti e vivono in questo paese incredibile. Quale modo migliore per trascorrere una giornata che imparare una nuova attività tradizionale e bella con un tutor esperto in un ambiente pittoresco? Non avresti trovato persone più amichevole per aiutarti a sperimentare il Giappone in tutto il suo splendore.

Chiama Maikoya: 06-6556-6257