5 Best Pocket WiFi for Japan Travel 2021

Online Japanese Culture Experience
An important note to consider when traveling to Japan is renting a Pocket WiFi Router. An easier connection is for any traveler in Japan, whether a newbie or a long-time Japanese culture fanatic. Pocket WiFi routers will come in handy at any time of your travel and will even help with reaching places found in a traveler’s bucket list. Aside from reaching dream destinations whether, in Tokyo or Kyoto, the pocket WiFi also gives easy access to updating friends and family about travel.
Renting a Pocket Wifi is the best medium one can use when connecting to the internet in Japan. What is more awesome is that there are a lot of WiFi rentals in Japan, which would not make guests worry about where else to look. A Pocket WiFi can also depend on what the guest will need for travel. Some are handy in unlimited data, while some are affordable for those concerned with their travel budget. If readers find WiFi offers overwhelming, this list will guide and help aspiring travelers decide on what pocket WiFi will come in handy for the next tour.


Pocket WiFi Benefits

Though travelers may get friendly offers from Japanese companies to use a SIM Card, it is somehow still best recommended to use Pocket Wifi instead. SIM Cards may come as a cheaper option, but a guest may not predict the compatibility of his or her device with the SIM. Though more budget-friendly, SIM Cards are a bit tricky when it comes to setting up with a mobile phone.
A Pocket Wifi, on the other hand, is ideal when using a phone or a tablet. For those who plan to stay long-term, it is recommended that one should opt for the Pocket WiFi router. Of course, unless the person is staying longer than a year, then he or she should opt for an Internet Provider.


5 Best Pocket WiFi for Japan Travel

Japan Wireless

Japan Wireless is considered the most recommended Pocket WiFi in the country. It has 187.5 Mbps and has 10-hour battery life. It has over a hundred thousand rentals from customers coming all around the world. The pocket WiFi has two kinds of routers and offers an unlimited 4G data plan. Guests will be able to use the complete 4G internet service with unlimited data. Premium WiFi is also available if a traveler wants faster data and longer battery life. In addition to its awesome offers, Japan Wireless comes with a free spare mobile battery. Cancellation requests are also not charged.
Where to rent: japan-wireless.com


Pupuru WiFi

Pupuru WiFi has 187.5 data speed and 8-hour battery life. It has two 4G plans. One comes in a Hi-Speed plan ideal for areas in the city and a coverage ideal for suburban areas. The other offer, though more expensive than the Hi-Speed plan, comes with great features. The company also lends guests a translator called POCKETALK, which costs around 400 yen per day.
Where to rent: pupuruwifi.com



NINJA WiFi offers unlimited data usage, 187.5 data speed, and 9-hour battery life. Like Pupuri WiFi, it also has two 4G plans though offers and features differ. Its Unlimited Plan offers no data limitations, which can be enjoyed by heavy net surfers and those who frequently update social media. The other plan offers 1GB per day. The company, also like Pupuru, also lends translating devices like POCKETALK and ili. Tablets like Handy are also offered.
Where to rent: ninjawifi.com/en


Sakura Mobile

Sakura Mobile offers 20 Mbps data speed, 3GB data usage, and 20-hour battery life. Unlike the two previously mentioned WiFi services, Sakura offers three 4G WiFi plans composed of 300 MB, 600 MB, and 3GB data usage. With the pocket WiFi, travelers can watch videos or update their friends and family online.
Where to rentsakuramobile.jp



SUSHI WiFi has 187 Mbps data speed, unlimited data usage, and a 5-hour battery life. However, those who plan for a long-term rental falls under a special plan rate. If guests do not feel like the battery life is not enough, they can carry a power bank so that they can enjoy a flawless internet connection.
Where to rent: sushi-wifi.com