Choushukaku teahouse

Choushukaku in Yokohama

Choushukaku Choushukaku teahouse in Sankeien Garden, Ken

Choushukaku is a teahouse located in Sankei-en garden, although it was in Kyoto. It was originally built for Tokugawa Iemitsu by Sakuma Sougen on the grounds of Nijo castle. After several relocations, it managed to find its way to what is now known as Yokohama. Teahouse standing in a remote, quiet area, where you can find peace and privacy.

Now it is part of Sankei-en Garden that was owned by Hara Sankei, a tea master in the Taisho era. It was later bequeathed to Lady Kasuga. This teahouse is noticeable for its two-story nature. The tea room’s two-story structure exhibits the lightness of form associated with the tea ceremony influenced “shoin-zukuri” style. Especially notable are the exquisitely crafted railing and other attention to detail as well as deliberately non-symmetrical “sukiya” style interior. The design of the teahouse is heavily influenced by Zen philosophy. The acknowledgment of simplicity and plainness is a central motivation of the tea house.

Sankei-en is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day, but it is closed on December 29, 30, and 31. To get to this teahouse from Yokohama station it will take around 45 minutes by bus.


Choushukaku:  website


Choushukaku location and hours:

If you want to see, how traditional Japanese tea ceremony is held, you can book a tour 

Traditional Tea Ceremony Experience MAIKOYA - Kyoto