Wakakusano Yado Marutei

Wakakusano Yado Marutei is a lakeside lodging located in Minamitsuru District in Yamanashi Prefecture. The lakeside property gives its guests a breathtaking view of the imposing figure of Mount Fuji overlooking the sparkling waters of Lake Kawaguchi.

There are 50 rooms in the ryokan, all of which are air-conditioned and provided with a flat-screen television. Some of the rooms have a sitting area where guests can relax and look into the landscape. Staying for one night will range from 15,000 to 16,000 JPY.
Wakakusano Yado Marutei offers a wide choice of hot spring baths to its guests, from indoor baths with windows overlooking the lake to open-air baths on observation decks, as well as private baths where one or a group can monopolize and enjoy the view of Mount Fuji.
Guests can travel by bus from Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal to Kawaguchiko Station. An alternative that the management suggests is taking the Chuo Express Bus.

Wakakusano Yado Marutei is operating normally with safety measures in place and limited acceptance to prevent the spread of infection.

Is this place ryokan only or ryokan with an onsen? Onsen Ryokan

Does this ryokan have private onsen (hot spring)? Yes

Is there a communal shared public bath? Yes

Price range (yen) 15,000 - 60,000