Travel safety tips in Japan

Is Japan safe to travel?

Yes, Japan is safe to travel. Japan has the lowest homicide rate in the world. Japanese cities are chosen as the safest in the world. The nuclear leak has been controlled. Japan has a pacifist constitution. Japan is less likely to be attacked by another country. The hotel law requires all buildings to be strong enough to survive the 8.00 point earthquake.

These are some safety tips for Japan

-Traffic is on the right, please check both ways when crossing the street.

-Taxi doors open automatically. Please do not stand close to the taxi doors. Please do not allow kids to be close to the taxi doors.

-If you buy a lunch box, the chopsticks and the toothpicks are packed together. Many foreigners hurt themselves when opening the chopstick pack.

-Know where safe exits are. Exit is called “deguchi” in Japan. Always remember this sign “出口.” -If you have a problem call the police “110″ or ask “KOUBAN DOKO DESU KA.” This means “Where is the police station?” Koban is a small police station that can be found everwhere. You can also try to go to the nearest train station to contact the police. Some tourists contact with their embassy first. You can find your embassy address here .

-If you have food allergies, translate them on “google translate” and print them on a piece of paper.

-If you hear this announcement constantly, it means there is an earthquake “Jishin Des, Jishin des, Jishin des.” You can get updates about the earthquakes and disasters by clicking on this link. -If you have a prescription drug please bring the prescription document with you. In Japan it is illegal to use any drug that has these: Codeine Phosphate (1%), Pseudoephedrine and desoxyephedrine (10%), Methamphetamine and Amphetamine. You can find out the banned materials here.

-In general, entertainment centers are safe. Don’t go to the entertainment clubs you are not familiar with. Don’t use your credit card at these places and be careful about what ingredients go into your drink.

-As a foreigner, you must carry your passport with you all the time. -Some random people may approach you and try to tell you things you may not understand. They just want to practice their English.