獨家體驗- 與舞妓有約之和服茶道體驗




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- 行程特色 -
  • 與真正的舞妓近距離接觸,可交談拍照。
  • 舞妓、和服、茶道3種願望一次滿足。
  • 英語人員隨行,溝通無障礙。
  • 位於祇園一帶,交通方便,行程亦安排。
  • 欣賞傳統舞妓表演


- 體驗包含 -
  • 穿著優雅的和服,搭配造型髮飾、編髮。
  • 由真正的舞妓示範茶道流程及禮節 (英語翻譯隨行)
  • 親身體驗日本茶道精神與意義
  • 享用和菓子、抹茶等點心
  • 在江戶特色茶室中進行茶道教學。
  • 與舞妓互動、交談、合影留念
  • 欣賞傳統舞妓演出
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- 重要資訊 -
  • 限4歲以上(兒童須有成人陪同)
  • 依照預約時段,請準時入場。
  • 現場將有英語人員陪同參與。
  • 夏天改穿著浴衣。
  • 和服/浴衣僅限館內穿著,體驗茶道、拍照使用。
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- 費用包含 - 
  •   抹茶、和菓子
  •   與舞妓一同體驗茶道
  •   英文解說
  •   茶道用具使用
  •   和服穿著(僅限館內)
  •   舞妓表演


- 費用不包含 -
  •   交通運輸費用
  •   化妝服務



Kyoto Geisha Show & Experience GION MAIKOYA

We are a cultural experience venue located in the heart of Kyoto,Gion the cultural capital of Japan. We pride ourselves on providing authenthinc experiences in Kyoto, Gion. Founded on the four main pricinples of tea ceremony (Harmony, respect, purity and tranquility) Maikoya has gained recognition among both locals and foreigners. Maikoya also recently has been selected as one of the best tea ceremony venues in Japan by Tripadvisor. Learning about a country through cultural workshops and activities will give you a better understanding of our intricate history, valued social principals and holistic way of life. By learning about Japan and its people, you will be immersed in different perspectives and approaches that are unique to this country. Maikoya Gion offers you opportunities to understand this culture through local instructors and guides. There is no better way to learn about a new place from the viewpoints of those who grew up and live in this amazing country. What better way to spend an afternoon than learning a traditional, beautiful new art form with a knowledgeable tutor in a picturesque setting? You wouldn't find friendlier people to help you experience Japan in all its splendour.

Our address is 100, Rokurocho, Matsubara-dori Yamatooji Higashiiru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Japan
 google map

Our email address is   gion@mai-ko.com