Rikyu's Seven Precepts
He was an aide of the famous Samurai. Therefore he also spread the culture of tea ceremony to Samurais. Later, the tea ceremony was divided into three schools. Urasenke style is one of them.

This is the 7 rules of Rikyu.
- 茶は服(ふく)のよきように ◆Make a satisfying bowl of tea Making a delicious bowl of tea is more than just using high-quality tea and following the correct procedures. A guest's true satisfaction while having a bowl of tea comes from the host's hospitality and sincerity.
- 炭(すみ)は湯の沸(わ)くように ◆Lay the charcoal so that the water boils efficiently traditionally, burning charcoal is used to heat the water used for tea. The charcoal must be placed precisely to encourage airflow and to prevent the fire from extinguishing prematurely.
- 夏は涼(すず)しく、冬は暖(あたた)かに ◆The flowers should be as if they are in the field When displaying flowers for tea, the host must try to showcase the flowers' natural beauty. For example, the host may choose flowers that are notable for growing during the current season to allow them to be appreciated in the tea room.
- 花は野にあるように ◆Provide a sense of coolness in the summer and warmth in the winter The host's primary focus should be making his guest comfortable. With deliberate choices for the day's utensils, scrolls, sweets, and other items, the host provides the guest with both imagery and sensations to complement the season's natural warmth or coolness.
- 刻限(こくげん)は早めに ◆Be ready ahead of time In tea as in life, time is a precious resource. The host must be efficient with his preparations, and the guest should be mindful to arrive ahead of the appointed time.
- 降(ふ)らずとも雨の用意 ◆Be prepared in case it should rain More than just for rain, the host must simply be prepared for anything. One cannot know when something unexpected will happen, and the host must be able to respond with inner calm in any situation.
- 相客(あいきゃく)に心せよ ◆Be thoughtful of the other guests Showing a considerate attitude is as important for the host as it is for the guests. It is only by showing each other mutual respect both in and out of the tea room that we can build positive and long-lasting relationships.