Variety Theater

Yosé is Japan's traditional variety theater.

Yosé includes:

-"Rakugo (落語, literally "fallen words") is a form of Japanese verbal entertainment. The lone storyteller (落語家 rakugoka) sits on stage, called Kōza (高座). Using only a paper fan (扇子 sensu) and a small cloth (手拭 tenugui) as props, and without standing up from the seiza sitting position, the rakugo artist depicts a long and complicated comical (or sometimes sentimental) story. The story always involves the dialogue of two or more characters. The difference between the characters depicted only through a change in pitch, tone, and a slight turn of the head". (source: Wiki)

- "Kōdan (講談, formerly known as kōshaku (講釈)) is a style of traditional oral Japanese storytelling.

Kōdan is usually performed sitting behind a desk or lectern and using wooden clappers or a fan to mark the rhythm of the recitation. This derives from the origin of the art form in cultural, literary, or historical lectures given in the Heian period courts". (source: Wiki)
Variety Theater Variety Theater, JNTO

Variety Theater Variety Theater, JNTO

- "Rōkyoku (浪曲; also called naniwa-bushi, 浪花節) is a genre of traditional Japanese narrative singing. Generally accompanied by a shamisen, rōkyoku became very popular in Japan during the first half of the 20th century". (source: Wiki)



Wikipedia (1)
Wikipedia (2)
Wikipedia (3)