Cancellation Policy

Kimono Tea Ceremony Maikoya, Samurai & Ninja Museum with Experience


  • It is completely free to cancel your event anytime before the appointment date and there is absolutely no cancellation fee.
  • You can notify us as late as 24 hours before your appointment via email. (Not accepted by phone)
  • Cancellation is very easy: all you need to do is reply to the order confirmation email with the subject:cancel.
  • There are exceptions for some events.
    1. GEISHA Experiences and Katana FORGING Experiences:
      Full payment is non-refundable unless canceled or changed at least 14 days in advance, with a 5% fee for early notifications.
    2. PRIVATE Experiences and any Experience with a KAISEKI MEAL :
      Full payment is non-refundable unless canceled or changed at least 72 hours in advance, with a 5% fee for early notifications.
    3. Why Book in Advance? 
      • Secure Your Spot: Popular experiences fill up quickly, especially during peak season and peak hours. Booking early ensures you won't miss out!
      • 💰 Free Cancellation: Many of our experiences offer free cancellation up to 24 hours before, giving you flexibility.
      • Peace of Mind: Knowing your activities are booked allows you to focus on enjoying your trip!
  • Summary


  • ご予約日前日までのキャンセルについては、理由に関わらず基本的に全額返金させていただきます。
  • キャンセル・変更は開催日時の 24時間前までにE-mailでのご連絡が必要です。(電話では承れません)
  • キャンセルされたい場合は、受注完了Eメールに返信で、ご連絡ください。件名を"キャンセル"としてください。
  • キャンセルポリシーが異なるイベントが一部ございます。キャンセル期限や手数料はそれぞれのページや受注確認メールをご確認ください。
    1. 舞妓・芸妓に関する体験及び刀作り体験のキャンセル・変更
    2. 貸切プライベート体験及び会席料理付き体験のキャンセル・変更




Maikoya cancellation is easy, hassle-free, and flexible!


We understand that plans change while you're traveling or you could simply change your mind about your appointment. We and our affiliates at Samurai & Ninja Museum Kyoto prioritize your best experience in Japan as much as possible and are happy to help you out on your trip.

Before you decide to cancel, please keep in mind that your confirmed reservation slot has been blocked to prevent any scheduling conflicts. This means that other visitors are unable to book for your timeslot if they would prefer it. Our staff also prepares according to the reservations, sometimes days ahead. Although our cancellation is free, we encourage all our clients to practice consideration and thoughtfulness while booking and cancel only when necessary.

When can I cancel my event?

You can cancel your reservation any time before the event date! We kindly ask you doing so at least 24 hours before your scheduled event to give us time to process your refund. Please remember that you cannot cancel after the grace period or get a refund if you miss your event.

Can I reschedule my event?

You can reschedule your appointment before your event date. Please contact us at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled experience. However, please note that we cannot guarantee an immediate slot during peak seasons.

How do I reschedule or cancel my event?

  • To reschedule, send a reply to the confirmation email which you would have received after making your reservation. Please make sure to include your new desired date and hour. Our staff will do their best to fit you in your new slot and send you another confirmation. There will sometimes be cases where your new schedule is already occupied, so please wait for our reply so we can coordinate with you.
  • To cancel,  send a reply to the confirmation email which was sent to you after you made your reservation. Please make sure to include the reason for your cancellation.


For more questions and information, please contact us!

Samurai & Ninja Museum Tokyo

Samurai & Ninja Museum Kyoto

Kimono Tea Ceremony KYOTO MAIKOYA at NISHIKI

Kimono Tea Ceremony MAIKOYA at GION KIYOMIZU

Kimono Tea Ceremony TOKYO MAIKOYA

Kimono Tea Ceremony MAIKOYA Osaka Branch