Osaka Weather Forecast, The Climate of Osaka
Osaka Weather forecast for the next days
The hottest month in Osaka: August
The coldest month in Osaka: January
The highest level of rain in Osaka: June
The highest level of snow in Osaka: No snow
The highest level of humidity in Osaka: July (there is always high humidity, 70%)
The rainy season in Osaka: June
The windy season in Osaka: September (The typhoon season)
The climate of Osaka: Relatively warm climate
Harvest season in Osaka: Beginning of April (Sakura). October (Rice). October-December (Tangerine).

Osaka Climate
Average weather forecast for Osaka in January: 4°C, cloudy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in February: 5°C, cloudy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in March: 8°C, cloudy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in April: 14°C, partly cloudy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in May: 18°C, sunny
Average weather forecast for Osaka in June: 23°C, rainy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in July: 26°C, sunny
Average weather forecast for Osaka in August: 28°C, sunny
Average weather forecast for Osaka in September: 24°C, sunny
Average weather forecast for Osaka in October: 17°C, partly cloudy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in November: 12°C, rainy
Average weather forecast for Osaka in December: 7°C, rainy
Best time to visit Osaka