Yuzuya Ryokan

Yuzuya Ryokan is a 5-star accommodation located in Higashiyama. The interior of its rooms is based on traditional Japanese design. It features antique elements with touches of seasonal flower arrangements.

A stay at the inn costs 35,000 to 70,000 JPY per night, complete with tatami mat flooring and traditional futon bedding.

Guests are invited to let loose to the enticing scent of citron flowing brought by its hot spring baths. After taking a dip, guests can satisfy their appetites at the restaurant.

Japanese cuisine is featured in their traditional kaiseki dinner.
If guests are planning to see some sites, they can visit the Yasaka Shrine and the Chorakuji Temple, which are just steps away from the inn.
The location is accessible by train coming from Gion Shijo Station.

Due to COVID-19, guests must book under the guidelines implemented by the Government of Japan.



Is this place ryokan only or ryokan with an onsen? Onsen Ryokan

Does this ryokan have private onsen (hot spring)? Yes

Is there a communal shared public bath? Yes

In or near Kyoto

Price range (yen) 35,000 - 70,000