Surprising things about Japan

What surprises people in Japan?

Why are streets so clean?

Japanese shinto religion is associated with cleanliness. Japanese people want everything to be pure and clean. There is also social conformation. Japanese people don’t want to be known as dirty. There are many public employees who take care of street cleaning. There are many volunteer organizations who take care of cleaning.


Why the trains are not late?

For Japanese people, responsibility is very important. If they are late for work, they run like a little child. Everyone works hard because they don’t want to disappoint others. Also in Japan, the train companies pay for the infrastructure. In other countries, infrastructure and train companies are seperate.


Why do Japanese people wear face masks?

a) Some people have hay-fever (especially in March and April).

b) If they are sick, they don’t want to spread their disease.

c) If their friend is sick, they don’t want to get sick.

d) Some people wear a mask to not to have a dry throat.

e) Some women wear masks if they don’t have time to put make up.

f) Some people wear masks to keep their faces warm during the winter.


Why there are no trash bins in Japan?

Japanese people do not throw garbage on the street. They keep the garbage packages in their hand-bag. It is safer and easier for the government to not to have trash bins. Many convenience stores have thrash bins. There are more than 40,000 convenience stores in Japan.


Why do Japanese people bow in front of others?

This shows respect in many cultures. In martial arts, people bow before and after the game. In Japan showing respect is very important. It is also necessary to show respect to gain trust. Japanese people usually bow when they greet somebody and when someone is leaving. You have to look on the floor when bowing in front of others. Longer bowing means more respect. Japanese people do not bow by connecting their palms. Connecting palms is an Indian tradition.


Why don’t Japanese wear anything in Public Baths?

Historically there were so many social classes in Japan. People wanted a place where everybody is equal. In public bathrooms people don’t wear clothes so everyone is equal. Also, historically wearing dirty underwear in public bathrooms dirtied the mineral water.


What do Japanese people eat for breakfast?

Japanese people usually eat fried fish, rice, miso soup and pickles.


What do Japanese people eat for lunch?

Japanese people usually eat ramen noodles and Western food for lunch.


Why do Japanese people hunt whales and dolphins?

Generally speaking, Japanese do not hunt whales and dolphins. Most Japanese do not eat whale meat. Most Japanese do not eat dolphin meat. 99% of supermarkets do not sell whale meat or dolphin meat. Japanese people think sea creatures are not different from other edible animals. Only a very small percentage of fishermen hunt whales and dolphins to maintain the tradition.


Why do people live longer in Japan?

a) Japanese people eat more fish and less red meat.

b) Japanese people often drink “green tea” which has so many health benefits.

c) Japanese people eat vegetables and fruits instead of canned food.

d) Japanese people don’t follow stressful topics (such as politics).

e) Every Japanese citizen has a right to get “health-check” twice a year.


What are the differences between Chinese people and Japanese people?

It would be racist to classify Asian people depending on the appearance. Culturally there are a few differences

a) China had cultural revolution a few times

b) Japan has the Shinto religion (similar to Paganism, focuses on purification)

c) Japan is more homogeneous than China

d) Japan was completely isolated between 1639 and 1853

e) In Japan, the eldest son inherits the real-estate from the father. There are also differences in terms of climate (South China would be very hot compared to Japan) fashion style (Japanese women carry bag in the middle of their elbow) hairstyle (Japanese women tend to keep hair to cover forehead). Since China is very big, all the palaces, buildings, shows tend to be a large-scale. Japanese people care more about newness and simple design.