Traditional Japanese Tea room
Tea room is the place to enjoy tea.

設備の名称 Tearoom fittings
床の間Tokonoma Alcove
床柱Tokobashira Main pillar
点前座Temaeza Host's spot
畳Tatami Reed mat
炉Ro Sunken hearth
床の間 Tokonoma
Alcove On display in the 床の間 will be a 軸 that suggests the theme of the tea ceremony along with seasonal flowers.

①軸Jiku Calligraphy
②花Hana Flowers
③香合Kogo Incense container
炉 Ro
Sunken hearth is made by cutting a section out of the tatami floorused from November to April

Brazier is the brazier used from May to October

茶室の種類Tea serving styles

四畳半Yojyohan Basic Tea room (4.5tatami mat room )
小間Koma Small room anything smaller than 四畳半広間HiromaLarge room anything larger than 四畳
The name of each Tatami (四畳半)
貴人畳・・・front of 床の間
点前畳・・・where the host prepared tea for the gueasts
炉畳・・・where the 炉 is客畳・・・where the guests are steated
踏込畳・・・for entrance way