What is the difference between Japanese Matcha and Green tea?

Both Matcha and Green tea come from the same plant. Matcha and Sencha tea are each a bit different from the way these 2 kinds of teas are processed and prepared as drinks.
After new leaves begin to form on tea bushes in the early spring, growers cover plants with a cloth or straw shades. The new leaves on these tea bushes then grow for the next 2-3 weeks in the shade. After they are picked, the leaves are steamed, dried, and then crushed into a fine, bright green powder. This is Matcha powder. This powder is mixed in water to make the Matcha tea that we drink. The Matcha tea is typically bright green.Green Tea
The leaves of tea bushes that are grown in full sun are used for green tea. After harvesting, the leaves are both steamed and rolled before drying. The dried leaves are then sorted and dried a final time before being packed for sale. In order to make a cup of green tea, the dried leaves are steeped in water. Green tea drinkers remove the tea leaves before drinking or leave them in the bottom of the cup. The cup of Green tea sometimes can be brownish-green.Both types of tea are high in Vitamin C and a healthy antioxidant called catechin. They are also a natural source of fluoride, which is good for teeth. Between Matcha tea and Green Tea, however, Matcha tea is the healthier choice. Matcha provides more healthy vitamins and fiber because the leaves are consumed as Matcha powder. Green tea drinks are not consumed with dried leaves.